My Book, How to Read Like a Parasite is Now Out!

You can now order a copy of my second book, How to Read Like a Parasite: Why the Left Got High on Nietzsche! Whether you prefer to read in paperback, e-book or listen to it as an audiobook is up to you. The audiobook sounds incredible and is done by the voice actor Laurence Varda.

The book is about Nietzsche, the greatest thinker amongst reactionaries, and the greatest reactionary amongst thinkers. Nietzsche is a thinker the left has struggled to understand.

As Ray Brassier says in an endorsement of the book, “The first task of any Marxist reckoning with Nietzsche is not to condemn but to contextualize historically.” This is one of the main agendas of my book, to revisit Nietzsche with a closer attention to his historical time, to how he formulated his ideas and concepts amid the class struggle of his time. What we discover is that Nietzsche’s concepts all speak to our present, they speak to the socialist and egalitarian yearnings that we possess and which he sought to extinguish.

It is an exhilarating experience to write a book about Nietzsche. Although the actual writing of this book began in 2020, I have been preparing to write this book ever since Nietzsche first seized me some twenty years ago. My favorite parts of this book were written in fits of inspiration, typically very early in the morning. The chapter on ressentiment was written in a cabin deep in West Virginia. Most of my ideas emerged on long walks or after conversations with other philosophers and readers of Marx and Nietzsche.

In case you might like to listen to interviews I have done and will continue to do around this book, you can check out this playlist on YouTube where I post them.

There are several philosophers and editors that I thank in the book and you can read to the end to see them listed. I hope you read it and if you are interested in having me speak about the book at your college or your city, at a bookstore, or whatever, send me an email.


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